Who owns Pettans Driving school. This s one of the most searched terms on the list about driving schools, well what people care most is not who owns Pettans Driving School but how the services they offer in terms of quality are. In this regard,

Who owns Pettans Driving school. This s one of the most searched terms on the list about driving schools, well what people care most is not who owns the Driving School but how the services they offer in terms of quality are. In this regard, we will not tell you Who owns Pettans or which company is behind it because we also don’t know.

Who owns Pettans Driving school?

What we are sure of is that they offer great services in many parts of Kenya and we will be grateful if you visit their website https://petannsdrivingschool.co.ke/

READ ALSO: Petanns Driving School Fees Structure 2022

There was a rumor that Pettans is owned by Gospel Musician Peter Wa TMK but we cannot verify those claims.